Christmas Card 2016


Thanks to all you who have sent us Christmas Cards!!! We love them!! One day we’ll send out physical Christmas Cards again but for now… this digital Christmas Cards is all I can handle! We are making a Christmas Video this year but we can’t finish that until Dallin’s finals are over. 🙂 So keep checking back for that video!

Dallin – Finished his first year and started his 2nd year of medical school.

May Bo – Hmm… what have I been doing?! I clean everyday and do laundry then the kids mess it up before Dallin gets back from school. The laundry is seriously getting bigger and bigger with 3 kids!!!

Micah – Is still in preschool but is doing 1st grade math and reading on the side. He is also taking piano lesson and loves it very much! It’s a struggle to keep up with this kid.

Quentin – Loves to play with cars and Legos. Quentin is a computer genius. He knows how to do practically everything on the computer. Quentin is only 3 years old but he can play Minecraft on the computer all by himself. He can find things that we delete in the recycle bin and navigates the internet like a pro…… we definitely have to keep an eye on this kid!

Emily – Is cute and she walks now. We call her our “Boo Boo Bear!” She loves to eat chicken and yogurt. She can say “Mama” “Dada” “Uh-oh!” “All Done!”

As a family we started 2 different LLCs this year. Barolock was started by Dallin and his friends who made a new design for an orthopedic hip. May Bo Hubbard LLC is just for fun which consist of all the random blogs and photography stuff I do.

Dallin and I are also working on a research project on ECMO. Dallin is the PI and May Bo programmed a whole database for this project! We work under a physician and nurse. A team of medical students, undergrads and a high school student was miraculously formed to help us out with this project. We hope we can help newborn babies and children who are very sick. Dallin makes trips to the NICU to see these helpless babies and hope we can help improve ECMO. Right now 50% of patients die during or after being on ECMO. It has actually been a spiritual experience for both of us as we have seen God guide us to work on this project together. We have felt God’s love as we learn about the babies on ECMO. Both Dallin and I have shed a few tears as we’ve worked on this project and we pray we can help improve the care for children on ECMO. God is good! This research project has brought the Christmas Spirit of service into our home. It goes along great with The Light the World initiative by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Merry Christmas to you all!! Please send us your family updates!


Here’s our past years Christmas Cards:







9 thoughts on “Christmas Card 2016”

  1. May Bo! This is the best Christmas card. It’s so great to keep it digital–that way you can archive it and send it to everyone without wasting paper! 🙂 Loved reading your updates. Your kids are so adorable, and it sounds like you and Dallin are busier than ever. We miss you! You have always been such an inspiration to me. I’m glad you both are surviving med school okay!

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