Preston England Temple Pictures

The Dublin Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints went on a temple trip in March. The stake spent a whole day traveling to get the temple by taking the ferry and bus. Then they spent the entire week doing temple work all day long. The temple patrons and their families can stay at the temple accommodations which is like a hotel.  The temple only charges 11 pounds per person per night.  My husband called it EFY for adults. 🙂

I’ve never had to travel so far to go to the temple since I’m from Salt Lake City. It was so nice to be able to go to the temple again! I haven’t been for three months. Every time I go to the temple I can feel the peace and comfort of the Holy Ghost. I’m so grateful that I can go to the temple to pray to God and ponder about life’s questions.

Can’t help but to add some pictures of little Micah. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Preston England Temple Pictures”

    1. Thank you that’s my favorite picture too! I used to have it on my desktop. You’re quite a good photographer yourself. 🙂 Thanks for commenting.

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