Tag Archives: Photography

Baby’s Name

Her name is Cumorah. She is named after the Hill Cumorah in Palmyra, NY. The reason why this hill is significant to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that it is the place where The Book of Mormon was discovered. The Book of Mormon is a history that tells of a family from Jerusalem who came to the Americas and their struggles. The book tells how this family overcame hard times by following the teachings of Jesus Christ. We read this book to help us get closer to God and to overcome our own struggles.

#newborn #photography #wideawake #cumorah #bookofmormon #anothertestamentofJesusChrist #jesuschrist #god


Trip to Portland


Dear Portland, you were a big surprise to me. I’ve never been to a city like you. The pregnancy exhibit at the OMSI kinda freaked me out. 🧐 We tried eating at Voodoo Donuts and Pok Pok because everyone told us to. They were literally a hole in the wall and one time at those places was enough for me. However, Petunia’s Pies & Pastries was fabulous! Powell’s City of Books was a fun place to get lost. The tram was cool and I could see Mt. St. Helen. The best attraction was Multnomah Falls. Even in January Dallin convinced me to hike to the top with little Jakey in our arms. At the end of our trip, you really got us confused when we couldn’t pump our own gas. Well, let’s just say, Portland, you have succeeded to be the weirdest place I have ever been to. Sincerely, May Bo

#portland #thoughts #multnomahfalls #multnomah #keepportlandweird #photography


It was fun pretending to only have 1 child again! HAHA!



Mountains!!! Life is full of mountains to climb.

You know what? it’s been a rough couple of weeks!

You know when stars align and you feel like you can conquer the world? Then the next minute the world seems to come after you and everything seems to align to cause you misery?!

Well, I just want to say that even during hard times, I know that God lives! As I pray and read the scriptures everyday. I have seen miracles happen even in the hardest of times. God allows hard things to happen to us so we can grow and become stronger. It also helps me to be humble and rely more on His power.

I have so many things to be grateful for! Why do I even dwell on hard things?

Yes, there are good times and bad times… Every time I experience something sad or bad…. I just try to have a little more faith in God that something good is just around the corner… and guess what? It always works! In fact, it seems to always work out better than I thought it would.

If you’re having a bad day or a hard time… here’s a virtual hug for you! And just you wait… the view is always more amazing when you get to the top of the mountain!

Here’s to the journey to the top of many mountains.

I’ve been featured on…


It’s been a while. I’ve been happily engaged in photography and missionary work.

Since I’m not on here very often anymore, I just wanted to let you know places that my work has been featured on lately:


General Conference: Father’s by Elder Christofferson – April 2016


Gospel Topics: Emergency Preparedness



Our Family’s Journey to the “Mormon Disneyland”

The Friend Magazine

“Because I am a Child of God” Music Video


I love the gospel so much! I am so grateful to be able to serve the Lord with this spiritual gift He has given me of photography. He has truly magnified my talents as I have been willing to serve Him and I am truly humbled and grateful for this experience!

-May Bo Hubbard


Fixing up the Blog

Hey!! So I have a lot of ideas of things to write about but I feel like I’m going to take some time to fix up my blog. I have a ton of broken links and pictures.

Our family is doing well. We have been just living life and busy as ever.

Dallin finished his PhD last summer and started medical school last August. So far it’s going well and time is flying by.

Our little baby girl is grown big. She is over 3 months old now. She is sooo cute.


I’m busy being MOM and wife of a medical student! My oldest son is in pre-school for 2 days of the week then we do home school the rest of the days with my middle son who is 2 years old.

My oldest son is picking up reading really fast! I can’t keep up with teaching him how to read.

I’m still taking pictures for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’ve been on a church service mission for almost a year now. I can’t believe how much my photography has improved this year. I really feel like my talents in photography has been a gift from God.

I love sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through words and photography!

I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church of God on the earth today. If you have any questions, please let me know!


Park City Historic Barn

Holy cow you guys! I fell off the face of the planet. Sorry about that. It’s been really busy traveling, taking lots of pictures for my calling and helping my husband edit his dissertations. I’m just trying to keep up with my kids, cleaning and laundry. There really is a time and a season for everything.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven… Ecclesiates 3:1

I wish I have more time to post on here but it’s just not my first priority. I’ll do the best I can because I have a lot of pictures to share with you all.

I recently participated in the a photography competition in Utah. We had to take pictures of 10 different categories and submit our best 30 pictures within 48 hours. It really pushed me to my limits and helped me advance my skills in photography.

One of my most proud category came from “Architecture.” We traveled to Park City to take picture of this historic barn.

This blog just celebrated our 5th anniversary because we started this blog right after we got married and we just celebrated our 5th anniversary! Over the last 5 years, we’ve posted almost 200 times. It has never been super consistent but I blog in the seasons of life when I can. Thanks for sticking by!

If you want a more consistent update follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maybohubbard

Church Service Missionary Photographer



I was called and set apart a couple of weeks ago to be a Church Service Missionary Photographer of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What does this mean? Well basically… take pictures where ever I go and submit them to be used in Church media. So you’ll see me and my kiddies with a camera all the time. Some people from create.lds.org recruited me back in October at LDS Tech conference. Before that I was struggling to figure out where in the world to take my photography hobby… I felt like this is the best way for me to learn more about photography, officially start a real photography business and share my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the same time!! I’m going to need all my friend’s help to fulfill this calling! Yes, I really do get to wear this name tag…

St. Louis Temple Pictures

Back this March we went to visit Grandma in Illinois. We flew into St. Louis. This was the second time we visited Grandma. The last time was back in 2010 (see post here).

Here is a picture of the famous arch. When we were driving around the arch I received the idea to create the WordPress Ward which is finally a reality. The WordPress Ward recently was awarded Honorable mention at the 2014 LDS Tech Conference! This motivated me to find my St. Louis pictures because I remember distinctly that right next to the Gateway arch is where I received the inspiration from the Holy Ghost to create the WordPress Ward.

At the St. Louis Gateway Arch Visitor Center, we ran into a group of Sister Missionaries on their P day (Preparation Day). We had to take a picture with them! It was so random.

The arch is a monument to Thomas Jefferson and the pioneers who went west during the  Westward Expansion between 1830 and 1870.

The Mormon Pioneers were among the first people to trek across the terrain to find a place to safely practice religion because of persecution.

In 1847, Brigham Young lead the first group of pioneers to Utah where President Young declared that, “This is the right place”.  Salt Lake City is now where the headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The church membership is now 15 million and there are currently 141 operating temples.

This time when we were at the St. Louis Temple it was closed for cleaning but I decided to take pictures anyways! 🙂


I’m so grateful for the pioneers who suffered much to get to Salt Lake City! Their example and sacrifice is a blessing to us all. The church has been blessed because of the great faith of the Mormon Pioneers.