Finglas Ward – First Week of Church in Ireland

finglas ward

Every time I’m traveling I get so excited to go to Church on Sunday. It’s always a hassle trying to figure out how to get to church in a new place but the minute I walk into sacrament meeting is like a breath of fresh air.  The Spirit of the Lord is always the same at all sacrament meetings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world.

We went to the Finglas Ward in Northern Dublin for the first Sunday in Ireland (See picture of ward building above). We took two buses and miraculous got to church without getting lost. As we walked into the chapel two minutes late, (apparently they start church on time here… LOL!), they were singing “Joy to the World” but with an Irish accent. 🙂 At the beginning of the meeting,  a girl was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was given the gift Holy Ghost after being baptized the day before. Afterwards, were two deacons were passing the sacrament. There were about 70 in the congregation but a lot were on vacation for the Holidays.

As we were singing the sacrament hymn #195 “How Great the Wisdom and the Love”, Dallin was putting the hymn book away at the end of the song but they sang all the extra verses in the song! This seems little but we were surprised. We didn’t know the extra verses to the song. I guess sometimes we take for granted little things like that.

In mem’ry of the broken flesh We eat the broken bread And witness with the cup, afresh, Our faith in Christ, our Head.

How great, how glorious, how complete Redemption’s grand design, Where justice, love, and mercy meet In harmony divine!

Micah went to nursery, even though he’s only 16 months old. He was causing trouble in Sunday School so we sent him to nursery. He loved it. He played with a double decker bus and got lots of snacks.

On the way home from church we got lost and it took us like 2.5 hours to get back to the hotel! We ran into a cool cemetery though. It was a nice long rainy walk but we survived!

6 thoughts on “Finglas Ward – First Week of Church in Ireland”

  1. I’ll be in Dublin next month (March 2015) and can’t wait to attend sacrament meeting in Ireland. Just hope I can find the church! 🙂

  2. How did it go? I’m going to Ireland next summer with 10 LDS returned sister missionaries-can’t wait. Just starting to plan trip. Hope to meet friendly locals.

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