Tag Archives: Travel

Christmas Card 2018

Hi Everyone!

This is a little belated… OK may be it is very belated but we have been relaxing and enjoying our time at home for Christmas and New Year. We were just trying to catch up on life and sleep. We have been traveling a lot since October for Dallin’s residency interviews. We decided to home school our kids for three months as we traveled coast-to-coast. Dallin is in his fourth year of medical school which means he is entering the “National Resident Matching Program“. Every fourth year medical student, who decides to pursue a practicing career in medicine, needs to complete a minimum of three year residency. These medical students apply across the country for a residency in their desired specialty. Some people interview at only a few programs while others interview at twenty five programs or more! It really depends on the specialty they choose. Dallin decided to interview at twelve pediatric residency programs. About half of the programs he applied to have a special Physician-Scientist track for MD/PhD’s. Dallin has currently finished 9 out of the 12 interviews. After the remaining interviews, we will complete our match list and submit it. The programs also rank all their applicants. March 15, 2019 is “Match Day” when graduating medical students nationwide will open their match letter to find out where they go for residency. It is a fun and stressful time filled with uncertainty and much excitement. We are so grateful for all the family and friends who have helped us these last few months! We are humbled by everyone who has message us, taken us in, helped us when we lost our luggage (… Don’t worry we eventually got it back!), given us advice, babysat the kids on the road, filled our callings at church, fed us, housed us, and kept us going.  We have traveled approximately 14,700 miles by plane and roads. We couldn’t have made it this far without you guys! Thanks so much!


The Hubbards

Dallin, May Bo, Micah (7), Quentin (5), Emily (3), and Jakey (1)

christmas 2018 - front

christmas 2018 - back

PS – 2018 family video is still in the making!

Here’s our past years Christmas Cards:









Dingle Peninsula

We drove around the Dingle Peninsula. It was super pretty. I thought Dingle was prettier than the Ring of Kerry although they were both a very nice drive. When we went to Dingle, we went to a tiny branch for church called Tralee. It was the smalled branch I have ever been to! There were hardly enough people there to run the branch. Nevertheless, the rented building was remodeled and I felt like I was at the temple. It was a neat experience for us to go to a small branch and see how the church is growing.


Lough (pronounced lock) in Irish means “lake”.  This is such a pretty tourist site.  We picked the perfect day to go see this area.  It was partly cloudy and around 45 degrees f (~8 degrees c) that day.  We toured the cemetery and the old watch tower.  I was surprised to see real mountains in Ireland! It reminded me a lot like Utah.  The hike is easy half mile to the first lake and then one mile to the second lake.  Glen in Irish means the number two so Glendalough means “of the two lakes”.

I’m not much of a landscape photographer but Dallin really likes scenic photography so I decided to give it a try.

Here are pictures of the cemetery:

New Grange and Four Knocks Tombs

This post is more about New Grange. New Grange is a very old tomb. It was predicted to be build back in 3200 BC! I won’t go into much detail about New Grange because you can just read the wiki on New Grange.

Now for the adventure to Four Knocks… you have to go ask Mrs. White who lives in a white house next to the tiny village of Four Knocks. Her number is +353 (0) 1 8354722. This is Mrs. White’s House:

You give her some money for the key. The money is only a deposit. You’ll get it back if you return the key to her before 6 pm.

She’ll give you the instructions on how to get to Four Knocks Tomb.

Here’s the Four Knocks Tomb on the left:

Here’s the door of the tomb:

Here’s some facts about the Four Knocks Tomb:

Here’s inside the tomb:

If you want to see more you’re just going to have to go for yourself cause we didn’t get very many pictures. We were a little creeped out and we didn’t bring a flash light!

Here’s some fun pictures we took outside the tomb:

Happy tomb finding! 🙂

Dallin’s First Post

Dear World…. This is my first blog post!  Hooray.   I wanted to write to my family and friends and tell them about my experience in Ireland.  It is amazing and fun, as well as trying. The castles, greenery, ancient cathedrals, and accents are neat. It’s much more expensive, and learning how to do things in another country can be a challenge. I can’t count how many times we’ve been lost already. But we’ve been able to get where we were planning to go thanks to broadband cellular internet and May Bo’s faithful navigating with a laptop and google maps  It has been a blessing in a lot of ways to come here. May Bo and I have a lot more time with each other. She doesn’t have school, callings or social outing to go too anymore. It’s been nice to be able to spend evenings together again. I feel like this part of Ireland has been a “best” (See Elder Oak’s talk on “Good Better, Best“)


This week May Bo and I went to see Newgrange. It is a 5000 year old mound of rock built about 3200-2800 B.C. (older than the pyramids) that has a long narrow passage leading to the center of the mound. In the center there is a cross shaped area with 3 stone washrooms and a bunch of ancient carvings. Every Dec 18-23 during the winter solstice the rising sun shines directly through the entranceway down the long narrow passage and into the center chamber and illuminates the entire room! It is supposedly a spectacular event. You have to win a lottery to see it (100 slots/30,000 applicants). It is an amazing mound, estimated to have used 200,000 tonnes of rock just for the center chamber alone! There must have been some amazing engineering going on to make this monument. There is no consensus among experts about why this monument was built, but I can’t help but notice the similarities between such a monument and the LDS temples of today. The Salt Lake Temple must weigh a lot too. I’m sure it took a lot of work to build, similar to this ancient monument.  It would not surprise me that such edifices were raised for the same purpose the Saints raise temples today: to unify families and to worship the “God of the whole earth,” even Jesus Christ.

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Finglas Ward – First Week of Church in Ireland

finglas ward

Every time I’m traveling I get so excited to go to Church on Sunday. It’s always a hassle trying to figure out how to get to church in a new place but the minute I walk into sacrament meeting is like a breath of fresh air.  The Spirit of the Lord is always the same at all sacrament meetings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world.

We went to the Finglas Ward in Northern Dublin for the first Sunday in Ireland (See picture of ward building above). We took two buses and miraculous got to church without getting lost. As we walked into the chapel two minutes late, (apparently they start church on time here… LOL!), they were singing “Joy to the World” but with an Irish accent. 🙂 At the beginning of the meeting,  a girl was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was given the gift Holy Ghost after being baptized the day before. Afterwards, were two deacons were passing the sacrament. There were about 70 in the congregation but a lot were on vacation for the Holidays.

As we were singing the sacrament hymn #195 “How Great the Wisdom and the Love”, Dallin was putting the hymn book away at the end of the song but they sang all the extra verses in the song! This seems little but we were surprised. We didn’t know the extra verses to the song. I guess sometimes we take for granted little things like that.

In mem’ry of the broken flesh We eat the broken bread And witness with the cup, afresh, Our faith in Christ, our Head.

How great, how glorious, how complete Redemption’s grand design, Where justice, love, and mercy meet In harmony divine!

Micah went to nursery, even though he’s only 16 months old. He was causing trouble in Sunday School so we sent him to nursery. He loved it. He played with a double decker bus and got lots of snacks.

On the way home from church we got lost and it took us like 2.5 hours to get back to the hotel! We ran into a cool cemetery though. It was a nice long rainy walk but we survived!