Tag Archives: Jesus Christ

Christmas Card 2023

Reflecting on 2023, a year of change, challenges, miracles, and cherished family moments. We find solace in the guiding hand of God, who continues to bless our lives with abundant joy through our passions, work, and the laughter of our children. Our hearts are full as we joyfully welcome our newest blessing, Baby Logan in November. We are grateful for all our many old and new friends that we have connected with this year.

  • Micah (12) is having so much fun coding in python and building autonomous robots.
  • Quentin (10) is having fun in chess club, doing lots of book reports, and being in the SALTA program.
  • Emily (8) chose to get baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is a budding artist.
  • Jacob (6) started kindergarten and he LOVES going to school with the big kids. He is doing so well with full-time school.
  • Cumorah (4) is ready to start kindergarten but unfortunately has 2 more years. She is reading like a champion.
  • Lily Mei (2) is developing her strong and independent personality. She is learning how to be an older sister.
  • Logan (0) was born on Nov 19, 2023 at 9:29 am weighing 6lbs 10oz and 19.5 inches long. So far he is a very easy going baby and very content to go around to all the kid’s activities.
  • May Bo is as busy as ever keeping up with the kids. She runs the school chess club and coaches the middle school robotics team. In her free time she enjoys running her own and other people’s businesses.
  • Dallin is working, mountain biking, building camper vans, remodeling our house, but somehow finds ways to spend quality time with each and every one of the kids.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Love, The Hubbards

Here are our past years Christmas Cards:














Free Simple Come Follow Me: Book of Mormon 2020 Reading Schedule

Dallin and I were recently called to team-teach Gospel Doctrine Sunday School at our church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is doing the Come Follow Me curriculum. For the year 2020, the entire church is studying The Book of Mormon. I wanted to print out a simple reading schedule and I couldn’t find one anywhere. I spent a long time making this so I thought I could share it online with all of you!

Download 2020 Book of Mormon Reading Schedule Here

Baby’s Name

Her name is Cumorah. She is named after the Hill Cumorah in Palmyra, NY. The reason why this hill is significant to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that it is the place where The Book of Mormon was discovered. The Book of Mormon is a history that tells of a family from Jerusalem who came to the Americas and their struggles. The book tells how this family overcame hard times by following the teachings of Jesus Christ. We read this book to help us get closer to God and to overcome our own struggles.

#newborn #photography #wideawake #cumorah #bookofmormon #anothertestamentofJesusChrist #jesuschrist #god


Indianapolis Indiana Temple

This is our new temple! This is the Indianapolis Indiana Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dallin and I are so blessed to still have a temple close by so we can meet our weekly temple trip. It’s definitely not the same as the 8-minute drive that we use to have but it is close enough. Every time I’ve driven to the temple it reminds me of the song that says “Over the river and through the woods…” because I am very literally driving over the river and through the woods to get to the temple. HAHA! It is a beautiful drive. I wish I can show you all!

#temple #sharegoodness #cometothetemple #churchofjesuschrist #jesuschrist







Mountains!!! Life is full of mountains to climb.

You know what? it’s been a rough couple of weeks!

You know when stars align and you feel like you can conquer the world? Then the next minute the world seems to come after you and everything seems to align to cause you misery?!

Well, I just want to say that even during hard times, I know that God lives! As I pray and read the scriptures everyday. I have seen miracles happen even in the hardest of times. God allows hard things to happen to us so we can grow and become stronger. It also helps me to be humble and rely more on His power.

I have so many things to be grateful for! Why do I even dwell on hard things?

Yes, there are good times and bad times… Every time I experience something sad or bad…. I just try to have a little more faith in God that something good is just around the corner… and guess what? It always works! In fact, it seems to always work out better than I thought it would.

If you’re having a bad day or a hard time… here’s a virtual hug for you! And just you wait… the view is always more amazing when you get to the top of the mountain!

Here’s to the journey to the top of many mountains.

I’ve been featured on…


It’s been a while. I’ve been happily engaged in photography and missionary work.

Since I’m not on here very often anymore, I just wanted to let you know places that my work has been featured on lately:


General Conference: Father’s by Elder Christofferson – April 2016


Gospel Topics: Emergency Preparedness



Our Family’s Journey to the “Mormon Disneyland”

The Friend Magazine

“Because I am a Child of God” Music Video


I love the gospel so much! I am so grateful to be able to serve the Lord with this spiritual gift He has given me of photography. He has truly magnified my talents as I have been willing to serve Him and I am truly humbled and grateful for this experience!

-May Bo Hubbard


Fixing up the Blog

Hey!! So I have a lot of ideas of things to write about but I feel like I’m going to take some time to fix up my blog. I have a ton of broken links and pictures.

Our family is doing well. We have been just living life and busy as ever.

Dallin finished his PhD last summer and started medical school last August. So far it’s going well and time is flying by.

Our little baby girl is grown big. She is over 3 months old now. She is sooo cute.


I’m busy being MOM and wife of a medical student! My oldest son is in pre-school for 2 days of the week then we do home school the rest of the days with my middle son who is 2 years old.

My oldest son is picking up reading really fast! I can’t keep up with teaching him how to read.

I’m still taking pictures for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’ve been on a church service mission for almost a year now. I can’t believe how much my photography has improved this year. I really feel like my talents in photography has been a gift from God.

I love sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through words and photography!

I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church of God on the earth today. If you have any questions, please let me know!


Building a House of God Activity and Lesson

Building a House of God Singing TimeOk here is a print, cut and sing…. easy easy…. singing time lesson. My child woke me up at 2:30 am because he’s teething and I couldn’t fall asleep so I read my scriptures and this easy idea came to me.

All the songs that I chose are from the 2015 Sharing Time Manual or you can choose your own songs!!

You just cut the house pieces and talk about how you establish a house of God. Some examples would be family prayer, scripture study, building foundation on Jesus Christ.. ect.

You can use this for singing time or family home evening! 🙂 Enjoy!

D&C 88:119 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God

Download the JPEGs below or full PDF file here: Building a House of God Singing Time.

Sorry for any typos… seriously made this at 3:30 to 6:30  in the morning!!!

Building a House of God Singing Time2 Building a House of God Singing Time3 Building a House of God Singing Time4 Building a House of God Singing Time5 Building a House of God Singing Time6

5 Uses for Olive Oil

Olive Oil

This week at institute we talked about the process of making olive oil and how that is a symbol of the atonement of Jesus Christ. I’ve heard this lesson multiple times.

It is finished; it is finished! The Lamb of God hath overcome and trodden the wine-press alone, even the wine-press of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. D&C 88:106

What impressed me about this institute lesson this time around is that we talked about the different uses of olive oil.

  1. Food – Olive oil is used to eat to nourish your body. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids which is one of the healthier fats around (omega 9).  [1]
  2. Light – Olive oil can be burned in a lamp to be used for light to see. [2]
  3. Healing – Olive oil is used for many different medicinal purposes. This is just to name a few: dry skin, gallstones, dandruff,  make-up remover, diabetes… ect [3]
  4. Fixing things – Olive oil can be used for fixing things like: polishing, cleaning, things that are stuck… ect [4]
  5. Blessings – The priesthood uses pure olive oil to bless the sick and spiritually afflicted so olive oil can heal you spiritually too! [5]

Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgivenhim. James 5:14 – 15

I was really impressed that olive oil is truly a symbol of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He can heal us spiritually, physically and temporally. Jesus also lights our way to help us see clearly in a fallen world. I’m so grateful for Jesus and His healing power. I would be so lost without His guidance, love and forgiveness.

What do you use olive oil for?!

[1] http://www.omega-9oils.com/omega-9-advantage/healthier-profile/omega-3-6-9.htm





A Gluten & Dairy Free Thanksgiving

A couple of months ago, I realized that I was feeling sick after eating dairy or gluten. It was after a long trial and error to figure out why I was feeling so sick. I’m still in the process of getting a diagnose but at least a feel a little bit better being off dairy and gluten. This may be another auto-immune disorder to add to my great list of auto-immune disorders.

Last month, my gluten free friend and I went to the Gluten Free Expo. It was a lot of fun. Here are some pictures.



So this Thanksgiving, my mother in law made me some gluten free stuffing… which is probably my favorite Thanksgiving dish. I’m super grateful because pretty much you can find anything in gluten free now-a-days… well… except for butter croissants. I’m still waiting for the day when I can eat those again. 🙂

I have a lot to be grateful for. My husband has been so kind during my journey of finding out what is wrong with me.

My kids are so funny. They make me laugh even on days when I don’t feel good. Being a parent makes you have to work even when you’re sick but it’s worth the sacrifice because of the joy I feel when I’m with my kids.





I’m grateful for my parents who have taken care of me during all my childhood health problems and for the great doctors I have.

I’m super duper grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. I mess up everyday but I’m soooooo grateful that I can try again and pray so God can forgive me. Seriously, it’s the greatest feeling ever to feel forgiven. I’ve notice I’ve been getting better at accessing the blessings of the atonement. I can tell that it doesn’t take me as long to ask for forgiveness.

Thanksgiving really is a nice time to spend with my family and think about all the things I’m grateful for.

What are you grateful for today?