Tag Archives: Atonement

A Gluten & Dairy Free Thanksgiving

A couple of months ago, I realized that I was feeling sick after eating dairy or gluten. It was after a long trial and error to figure out why I was feeling so sick. I’m still in the process of getting a diagnose but at least a feel a little bit better being off dairy and gluten. This may be another auto-immune disorder to add to my great list of auto-immune disorders.

Last month, my gluten free friend and I went to the Gluten Free Expo. It was a lot of fun. Here are some pictures.



So this Thanksgiving, my mother in law made me some gluten free stuffing… which is probably my favorite Thanksgiving dish. I’m super grateful because pretty much you can find anything in gluten free now-a-days… well… except for butter croissants. I’m still waiting for the day when I can eat those again. 🙂

I have a lot to be grateful for. My husband has been so kind during my journey of finding out what is wrong with me.

My kids are so funny. They make me laugh even on days when I don’t feel good. Being a parent makes you have to work even when you’re sick but it’s worth the sacrifice because of the joy I feel when I’m with my kids.





I’m grateful for my parents who have taken care of me during all my childhood health problems and for the great doctors I have.

I’m super duper grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. I mess up everyday but I’m soooooo grateful that I can try again and pray so God can forgive me. Seriously, it’s the greatest feeling ever to feel forgiven. I’ve notice I’ve been getting better at accessing the blessings of the atonement. I can tell that it doesn’t take me as long to ask for forgiveness.

Thanksgiving really is a nice time to spend with my family and think about all the things I’m grateful for.

What are you grateful for today?

My Blog Depression

It’s been awhile since I’ve consistently posted anything online. It’s been a rough busy couple of months. I haven’t been feeling good physically since March. I’ve been sick a lot since then and just plain not feeling good. My friends who know me know that it’s not the first I haven’t felt well in my life but I thought I was making it up in my mind or going crazy. Thankfully, through fasting and prayer I’ve been able to slowly discover what is wrong with me. I am so grateful for revelation from Heavenly Father that guides my daily life. I’m starting to feel better now and I hope the doctors can diagnose a problem soon!

Like I just said, I’ve had a real lack of desire to post online. I feel like no one reads it or no one really cares. It’s funny because I’ve had an real increase lack of desire ever since Elder Bednar told us to post more online and flood the internet with good things. I guess there has just been great opposition for me following an apostle’s request.

I’ve had the prompting to do the “WordPress LDS Ward” blog for six months now! I started templates but never got over the hump  of publishing the site.

I’ve been reading my scriptures, attending the temple, going to the church and praying. What is wrong with me? Finally on Sunday I asked my husband for a priesthood blessing. I haven’t asked for one in a while. I feel like that blessing really helped me get back on my feet. The blessing counseled me to continue to share my testimony and photography online then my stress will go away. I have really felt power of the priesthood be pouring down into my life.

Another thing is that I’ve realized that I have a real problem with emotional eating and social media especially since I’ve been so stressed. I haven’t been posting very much but I’ve been wasting countless hours reading what other people are doing on social media… mainly Facebook.  Don’t get me wrong, I love reading about your life but I’ve tried many times to put limits on my Facebook time and failed greatly. If I’m not on Facebook, I’m indulging myself on foods that make me sick. When I feel sick, I want to eat more food because I think it makes me feel better. I tried cutting things out cold turkey but I just realized my efforts wasn’t working!

Then I was chatting with my SIL online and she suggested that I start reading the LDS Addictions Recovery manual. It was the best advice I’ve gotten in a long time. After sincerely studying only the first two lessons, I feel so much more faith, hope and control in my life. I may even start attending the emotional eating meetings. The books also says writing is a good therapy. 🙂 I haven’t felt this good in a long time.

I testify that the Atonement of Jesus Christ works and if anyone out there is feeling a lack of hope just call upon God and He will bless you. Ask for help. Prepare yourself to ask and receive priesthood blessings.

I know that I can’t change all by myself but the atonement can change me even if it’s something as silly as getting rid of food addictions or heal me from pain. I have felt an increase of control in my life ever since I’ve been humble enough to seek for more help. I know that God will always give me more help when I need it whether it be through the priesthood or professionals. Because of Jesus Christ, there is always someone out there to help us feel better.

Sorry I really have tried to keep this blog about my blessings not my trials but it’s enviable… We all have trials even when I don’t talk about them much!

Question: How have you witness the blessings of the atonement in the mist of your trials?

I’ve include pictures of me and my husband in this post from our 4th anniversary back in May. We took these pictures in Logan, Utah on Old Main Hill where we first met and dated. We used a tripod on self-timer. My husband has been a great help and companion in my life. I’m so grateful for his willingness to serve me and our little family! 

Taxi Ride and 35 Euros Pooer

We had an exciting adventure on Sunday. We woke up a little late. I was trying to get Micah ready for Church. Dallin was still sleeping at 10:00 am. Our train was going to leave at 10:25 am to get to 11:00 am church at the Bray Branch. We planned this perfectly to get to church right on time. We leave our apartment sprinting to the train station. I was standing in line buying a round trip ticket for 5.50 Euro. Dallin already scanned his transportation card which keeps track of how many stops you go and then deducts money from the account. The train went by right before our face.

Great! The next one doesn’t come for 30 minutes. We would miss sacrament meeting. We hesitated for a few minutes then Dallin thought we could go catch the bus. There was no way the bus was going to get us to church on time. We left the train station looking for the bus. Dallin forgot to scan off his transportation card so it automatically deducts the maximum of 8 euros.

Hmm ok 13.50 Euros down the drain. Now what? The bus doesn’t come for another 15 minutes and it’ll take another 30 minutes to get there. That won’t work.

Can we call anyone? No everyone is already heading or headed to church! What are we going to do?! Taxi!

There were about 10 taxis lined up in the taxi line.

“Can you take us to Bray? Do you take a credit card?! We don’t have a car seat!!” we asked.

“Yes. No cash only. We can buckle the tad in.” said the driver.

We needed to find cash! So we sprint to the ATM to get out cash and it charged us 2 euros for ATM fees.

15.50 euros gone!

We got in the taxi and he took us to Bray. Surprisingly the taxi driver knew all about the Mormons since he lived in Utah for a few years. We invited him to church but he kindly said no. He was nice. The taxi ticker when up and up. It reached 21.65 euros by the time we got to the Bray Branch. The driver was kind to cut it down to 20 euros.

35.50 euros later… we made it to church at 10:59 am.

*Sigh of relief*

All I wanted was to make it to church to partake of the sacrament. We didn’t do a very good job of keeping the sabbath day holy that morning and I needed to be forgiven of my mistakes. I’m so grateful that we can go to church each week to take the sacrament. By taking the sacrament we can renew our baptismal covenants, be cleansed again from our sins and have a fresh start. The Savior administered the first sacrament the night before he was crucified. The sacrament is to remind us each week of  the great sacrifice He made for us.

35.50 euros equals to $47.94; however the blessings of the atonement and taking the sacrament are priceless. It was definitely worth it. We were even blessed because someone offered us a ride home.

We learned our lesson to wake up earlier next Sunday!

Best Birthday Present

My husband is really good at making me feel really loved on my birthday. His gifts are always perfect but his words are what means the most to me. I have yet to have a birthday without tears of gratefulness.

Today, on my birthday, my husband shared with my his testimony of the atonement of Jesus Christ because I’ve been wanting to learn more about the atonement recently. Being a convert to the church (4+ years and counting), sometimes I feel embarrassed when I don’t know the simple stories of Jesus. When the Sunday school teachers says “Everyone knows the story of ____ “… I am usually the one who does not know that story but is too embarrassed to raise my hand. I admit that I have not studied the bible as much as the modern revelations of the church. My husband is very well versed in gospel doctrine and I feel blessed whenever he teaches me or answers my questions. However, it always comes down to the fact that I have to read, learn, and gain my own testimony.

I realized in order for me to better understand the atonement of Jesus Christ I need to study the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the words of the prophets, attend the temple, and also receiving personal revelation. If I only choose one of the sources, it is not comprehensive enough to understand the importance of this great event. Understanding the atonement is a lifelong process and it’s ok that I don’t know everything right now.

I’ve been studying and watching the new bible videos made by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are absolutely amazing and they make it simple enough for me to understand.

Here are 10 interesting things I’ve learn about the atonement:

  1. Jesus Christ suffered in Gethsemane “the pains of all men, yea, the pains of every living creature, both men, women, and children, who belong to the family of Adam.” (2 Nephi 9:21) He also suffered “temptations, and pain of body, hunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can suffer, except it be unto death; for behold, blood cometh from every pore, so great [was] his anguish.” (Mosiah 3:7)
  2. The suffering in Gethsemane was so much pain that Christ pray to God saying: “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.” (Mark 14:36)
  3. Jesus Christ was also denied by his own disciples, who were his friends, during his greatest time of need. Christ took three of his disciples to the garden of Gethsemane. The entire time that Christ was suffering in the garden, the three disciples fell asleep. (Matt 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:47-48, John 18:2-3)
  4. After suffering for all the pains of the world in Gethsemane, Jesus Christ was denied, mocked and spit upon by government leaders (Matt 27:2), chief priests (Matt 27:41), and a multitude of people (Matt 27:20). They all wanted him to be crucified. (John 19:6)
  5. Jesus Christ was beaten 39 times with a Roman whip (Mat 27:26). Roman whips had “had pieces of bone, glass, or metal on the ends of it to tear the flesh”. The reason why he was beaten 39 times is because anyone who survives 40 whippings are released from their punishment. (2 Cor 11:24) After whipping they put a crown of thorns on his head. (Matt 29:29)
  6. Jesus Christ carried his own cross to Golgotha to be crucified. (John 19:17)
  7. Jesus Christ allowed wicked people to crucify him after all the horrible events that have already happened to him. The unbelievers drove nails through the palms of his hands, wrists, and feet. (Ps. 22:11–18) Being in the position of crucification is the most horrible slow punishment and death anyone could ever experience. (Crucifixion)
  8. While on the cross Jesus Christ said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”. (Luke 23:34)
  9. After being on the cross Jesus Christ, He said “it is finished” meaning the atonement was completed. He gave up the ghost which means he chose to die a mortal death. (John 19:30)
  10. Jesus Christ was resurrected and we will all be resurrected because of His atonement. Everyone who is willingly to have faith in Christ, repent of their sins, are baptized in His name, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and confirmation into Christ’s Church” and endure joyfully to the end will be received into celestial kingdom. Those who repent will not have to suffer what Christ went through and be able to have a happy life. (The Atonement of Jesus Christ)

What a great birthday it is to learn more about the greatest gift anyone can ever receive!

Elder Holland CES Fireside

This fireside was a really good message about morals. I recommend it! Elder Holland is one of the apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He testifies that there is a God and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to atone for our sins. This video has a powerful message and many blessings.

Elder Holland CES Fireside for Young Adults