Tag Archives: family time

Christmas Card 2018

Hi Everyone!

This is a little belated… OK may be it is very belated but we have been relaxing and enjoying our time at home for Christmas and New Year. We were just trying to catch up on life and sleep. We have been traveling a lot since October for Dallin’s residency interviews. We decided to home school our kids for three months as we traveled coast-to-coast. Dallin is in his fourth year of medical school which means he is entering the “National Resident Matching Program“. Every fourth year medical student, who decides to pursue a practicing career in medicine, needs to complete a minimum of three year residency. These medical students apply across the country for a residency in their desired specialty. Some people interview at only a few programs while others interview at twenty five programs or more! It really depends on the specialty they choose. Dallin decided to interview at twelve pediatric residency programs. About half of the programs he applied to have a special Physician-Scientist track for MD/PhD’s. Dallin has currently finished 9 out of the 12 interviews. After the remaining interviews, we will complete our match list and submit it. The programs also rank all their applicants. March 15, 2019 is “Match Day” when graduating medical students nationwide will open their match letter to find out where they go for residency. It is a fun and stressful time filled with uncertainty and much excitement. We are so grateful for all the family and friends who have helped us these last few months! We are humbled by everyone who has message us, taken us in, helped us when we lost our luggage (… Don’t worry we eventually got it back!), given us advice, babysat the kids on the road, filled our callings at church, fed us, housed us, and kept us going.  We have traveled approximately 14,700 miles by plane and roads. We couldn’t have made it this far without you guys! Thanks so much!


The Hubbards

Dallin, May Bo, Micah (7), Quentin (5), Emily (3), and Jakey (1)

christmas 2018 - front

christmas 2018 - back

PS – 2018 family video is still in the making!

Here’s our past years Christmas Cards: