Tag Archives: LDS

Christmas Card 2023

Reflecting on 2023, a year of change, challenges, miracles, and cherished family moments. We find solace in the guiding hand of God, who continues to bless our lives with abundant joy through our passions, work, and the laughter of our children. Our hearts are full as we joyfully welcome our newest blessing, Baby Logan in November. We are grateful for all our many old and new friends that we have connected with this year.

  • Micah (12) is having so much fun coding in python and building autonomous robots.
  • Quentin (10) is having fun in chess club, doing lots of book reports, and being in the SALTA program.
  • Emily (8) chose to get baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is a budding artist.
  • Jacob (6) started kindergarten and he LOVES going to school with the big kids. He is doing so well with full-time school.
  • Cumorah (4) is ready to start kindergarten but unfortunately has 2 more years. She is reading like a champion.
  • Lily Mei (2) is developing her strong and independent personality. She is learning how to be an older sister.
  • Logan (0) was born on Nov 19, 2023 at 9:29 am weighing 6lbs 10oz and 19.5 inches long. So far he is a very easy going baby and very content to go around to all the kid’s activities.
  • May Bo is as busy as ever keeping up with the kids. She runs the school chess club and coaches the middle school robotics team. In her free time she enjoys running her own and other people’s businesses.
  • Dallin is working, mountain biking, building camper vans, remodeling our house, but somehow finds ways to spend quality time with each and every one of the kids.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Love, The Hubbards

Here are our past years Christmas Cards:














Easy for Mom Preschool


I couldn’t decide what words to use for this title. I wanted to say “Lazy Mom Preschool” or “Preschool for Dummies”… but I don’t want to call Moms lazy or dummies! I just mean this is an easy way to do preschool with very little cost and prep work. Easy and simple is my way of doing things now-a-days. With cleaning the home, teaching the kids, making dinner, church responsibilities and my hobbies… I need to maximize my time by doing things very simple and efficient.

Here are the general learning principles I follow:

  • Do every subject everyday
  • Be consistent & efficient
  • Get rid of distractions
  • Use a paper and pencil
  • Test knowledge

These are the subjects I try to do everyday:

  • Gospel Study
  • Handwriting
  • Scissors
  • Reading
  • Math

The only exception is that my husband is in charge of a science lesson once a week during family night. I try to add music or piano to the daily list… but I seem to never be able to get to that everyday… yet! My kids also to do crafts and art on their own so I don’t mandate that either.

I’ve seen people make weekly calendars… Monday is Math. Tuesday is Reading. Wednesday is Science… ect. The reason why I think this isn’t the most efficient way to do preschool is because preschool aged kids learn by repetition.

God tells us to read our scriptures and pray everyday. Why? It’s so we can learn his words, remember them and master them! Doing something everyday will help anyone master any skills they want to learn! I know from experience that reading my scriptures everyday has made me a better reader as well as a better person. Doing photography everyday has helped me get better at photography. So if I want my kids to get good at something… I’m going to have to help them practice it everyday.

So doing every subject everyday has helped my kids learn these various subjects really well. The repetition really works and they are mastering skills like using scissors and handwriting. We do however take a break on Sunday to go to church and do Sunday activities.

Now… you may think… “Well you must spend an awful amount of time doing this everyday!” My oldest child is 5 years old. We spend 30-45 minutes max on all the subjects. My second child is 3 years old and we spend 15 to 25 minutes. My youngest is 1 years old and we spend about 5 to 10 minutes on it! So for me I spend about 1 to 1.5 hours total in focused learning sessions with my kids.

The key is to be consistent and making the time worth it! I try to get rid of distractions and put my phone away and turn off the computer. These precious minutes are spent in one-on-one focused learning sessions. I make the time efficient by gauging their interest on the subjects. If they are bored then I changed it up. If they are wanting more I usually give them more but I eventually make them stop and say… “Sorry you have to wait to have more fun tomorrow!” “But mom! I LOVE Math… please let me do more math!” In order to be consistent, I have to make teaching a priority in my life. I try to teach even if the house is messy or my projects are not done.

Lastly, I test their knowledge. I am always asking them questions to make sure they have master the concepts I’m teaching them. I test them in all the subjects including gospel learning, reading comprehension and math.

So here is an example of what I do every time. I try to consistently do the same routine every time. I also teach every subject every time. I make things simple by just using a notebook and pencil. Everyday I just make a new page or two in the notebook. It’s really nice to use one notebook so I can see how they progress over days, weeks and months.

A preschool daily learning routine:

  • Pray
  • Book of Mormon Study
  • Writing (or tracing) their name
  • Tracing lines and shapes
  • Cutting out a shape
  • Counting & Recognizing Numbers
  • Letter & Letter Sounds





Once my child is ready to write on their own then I add these into the curriculum.

Adjusting the way I teach for each child has been a fun challenge. My first son likes to do book work while my second son likes to play games especially computer games. No matter what the content is… the principles I follow are the same:

  • Do every subject everyday
  • Be consistent & efficient
  • Get rid of distractions
  • Use a paper and pencil
  • Test their knowledge

This all didn’t come naturally. I had to learn from my other mom friends! I also had to learn from trial and error. I get criticism sometimes… “Your kids are young… they should just play!” Yes it’s true… there’s lots of learning when they are playing. After I do the focused learning session with my kids… they get so sick of me sometimes that they run away and play the rest of the day. All I have to do after is referee and resolve conflicts with sharing toys… lol! Oh… and I guess I feed them too! So my kids do play hard and work hard.

Of course… I’m not perfect at this routine… we have good days and bad days! But I try really hard to be consistent. Over time I see that the routine is working. The repetition has really given my kids a foundation of skills and knowledge they need for future learning.

I have found great joy in teaching my children the basics and while I understand that this method may not work for all moms/kids. I would love to hear what works for you!




Family Night in 60 Seconds!

Here is our 2016 Hubbard Christmas Card Video! This Christmas we want to share with your our “funnest” thing we do at home!! …. which is Family Night aka Family Home Evening (FHE)! Enjoy our family in 60 seconds.

PS – See our last post for our digital Christmas Card!


Free Big Minecraft Printable

Hey! My oldest son just turned 5 and we had a Minecraft themed week for him! We made a Mincraft Cake and ate colorful pasta. Decorated the house in green, white and black streamers. He woke up to a big creeper present in the living room! One of the presents he got was a Minecraft torch! My husband tried to make his fifth birthday super special for him. We had friends come visit us throughout the week but had the main celebration together as a family.


I made this 13″ by 17″ Minecraft Printable. At first it was just for fun but then I used it for Primary singing time as a “Armor of God” lesson. The little guy is suppose to represent a LDS Missionary but you can create your own person here. I put magnets on mine so they can stick to a whiteboard.

Ideas to use these printable:

  • Armor of God Lesson: Ephesians 6:7 – 17D&C 27:15–18
  • Pin the Armor on the Minecraft Person
  • Teaching kids programming by creating the formulas for the armor on a whiteboard.

Download #1

Download #2

Download #3






Mountains!!! Life is full of mountains to climb.

You know what? it’s been a rough couple of weeks!

You know when stars align and you feel like you can conquer the world? Then the next minute the world seems to come after you and everything seems to align to cause you misery?!

Well, I just want to say that even during hard times, I know that God lives! As I pray and read the scriptures everyday. I have seen miracles happen even in the hardest of times. God allows hard things to happen to us so we can grow and become stronger. It also helps me to be humble and rely more on His power.

I have so many things to be grateful for! Why do I even dwell on hard things?

Yes, there are good times and bad times… Every time I experience something sad or bad…. I just try to have a little more faith in God that something good is just around the corner… and guess what? It always works! In fact, it seems to always work out better than I thought it would.

If you’re having a bad day or a hard time… here’s a virtual hug for you! And just you wait… the view is always more amazing when you get to the top of the mountain!

Here’s to the journey to the top of many mountains.

I’ve been featured on…


It’s been a while. I’ve been happily engaged in photography and missionary work.

Since I’m not on here very often anymore, I just wanted to let you know places that my work has been featured on lately:


General Conference: Father’s by Elder Christofferson – April 2016


Gospel Topics: Emergency Preparedness



Our Family’s Journey to the “Mormon Disneyland”

The Friend Magazine

“Because I am a Child of God” Music Video


I love the gospel so much! I am so grateful to be able to serve the Lord with this spiritual gift He has given me of photography. He has truly magnified my talents as I have been willing to serve Him and I am truly humbled and grateful for this experience!

-May Bo Hubbard


5 Tips to Stay Awake During General Conference

Christ waking up his sleeping apostles. Picture Source: http://www.lds.org

I’m just being completely honest. I love General Conference so much but it is a lot different with little kids. My husband and I try so hard to pay attention but our kids are so distracting. To make things worst, Sunday afternoon session of General Conference is one of the hardest to stay awake. It’s the last session and it’s during nap time.

  1. Stand Up – If you start feeling sleepy, don’t lay down on the couch! Stand up. 🙂
  2. Ask Questions and Seek for Answers  – This is one of the best ways to learn from the Holy Ghost. Have life questions written down before the session and seek for answers from the sermons.”Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for he that asketh, receiveth; and unto him that knocketh, it shall be opened.” -3 Nephi 27:29
  3. Healthy Snacks – After snacking on Muddy Buddies all morning, I think I need to find something more healthy so I can have more energy. Here are some healthy snack ideas from the Time Out for Women LDS Blog.
  4. Play a Game – Play an appropriate game with your family like General Conference Bingo or find other ideas online.
  5. Share Goodness – If it’s not too distracting, I like talking to my kids about what the speakers are saying and helping them understand in 2 and 4 year old terms. I also like to share with my husband thoughts and impressions that I get throughout the meeting. I know some people like to Twitter their thoughts during conference. There is a very active #LDSconf Twitter community. I guess we all just need to find out what works for us.

How do you stay awake and alert while watching general conference?!

Church Service Missionary Photographer



I was called and set apart a couple of weeks ago to be a Church Service Missionary Photographer of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What does this mean? Well basically… take pictures where ever I go and submit them to be used in Church media. So you’ll see me and my kiddies with a camera all the time. Some people from create.lds.org recruited me back in October at LDS Tech conference. Before that I was struggling to figure out where in the world to take my photography hobby… I felt like this is the best way for me to learn more about photography, officially start a real photography business and share my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the same time!! I’m going to need all my friend’s help to fulfill this calling! Yes, I really do get to wear this name tag…

3 year old Rock Climber

Our friend took the boys rock climbing! I think climbing is just built into these little boys. Micah who’s 3, loved it. After a few tries, he got 3/4 of the way up the wall.








They even had little harnesses for little toddlers for Quentin.



However, this is how Quentin felt about climbing the wall. “Don’t make me do this!!” He was a little tired and hungry.


We had a blast! So grateful for our friend who took us climbing!

Speaking of climbing mountains, I enjoy this great inspiring message by President Eyring about climbing mountains and “Gaining Power to Overcome Challenges in Life.”


Temples and Testimony Blog

source: Jason Carlton

Hey Friends! This is a picture of the Mt. Timpanogos Utah Temple by Jason Carlton from Utah. I shared my testimony about LDS temples today on his blog Temples and Testimony.

Thank you Jason for running such a blog!

You can share your testimony about LDS Temples his blog too! Click here.